This enigmatic lone male figure with a Gandhi Topi like head-dress had cobweb-like growth between the legs. In the background the curtains seem to open to the view of a sea. The height of the sea on the horizon makes the room seem located underground and a piece of the sea has traveled indoors in the form of a conch. A golden anomaly in the blue interiors of the room. But we dont know whether the sea has indeed flooded the room a soft blue spreads across the better part of the canvas and the man seems gently afloat in his seated position.
Flood it Sounds - Chanchal Mukherjee 36'x48', Acrylic on Canvas
₹146,000.00 Regular Price
₹116,800.00Sale Price
Taxes Included
Size: 36 inch x 48 inch
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas